Day one results
Day one results

Woods would start with Jimmy, taking him right down to the mat with a tight armdrag into a submission. With Reigns out with COVID-19, it’s up to The Uso’s to start the year big for The Bloodline – giving some extra fire tonight. Now with Kingston back to health, he and Woods will hope to hit The Bloodline where it hurts – and take some of their gold away. They’ve been rivals for years, but when The Usos used their connection with Roman Reigns to isolate Xavier Woods, and try to break the legs of Kofi Kingston? Things hit a new level. This is far from the first time that The New Day & The Usos have met on PPV. The Usos Hold Down The Bloodline Fort With Roman Reigns Out Back in the ring, Cesaro was run into the ring post and nailed with the Brogue Kick for the win. Ricochet made the save but took White Noise on the floor. Sheamus was taken for the swing, but was able to come back with the pumping knee strike.

day one results day one results

Cesaro would rush the ring after the tag and hit some rushing uppercuts before crossbody off the top rope. Sheamus would maintain a cool head, and hit the Ten Beats of the Bodhran, only for Ricochet to get the kick to the head. Holland was not around after getting a knee to the face, being taken to the back with a broken nose.

#Day one results series#

He’d let Ricochet free only to hit a series of Irish Curse backbreakers, but Sheamus was alone. Sheamus tagged in and hit the forearm shot to take Ricochet down before grabbing the side headlock takeover. Holland would get caught into a modified backbreaker, before Ricochet tagged in and was flipped into a 450 Splash knee drop onto Holland.

day one results

Sheamus would yell to Cesaro that Holland is his replacement, before tagging him in. Ridge Holland Breaks His Nose, Sheamus Still Claims The Win Cesaro & Sheamus know each other very well, but find themselves on opposite sides of the ring, but both have very capable partners. Kicking off the year is a tag team match between the team of Cesaro & Ricochet, who will take on Sheamus & Ridge Holland. Normally a pre-show match doesn’t mean much – but at WWE Day One, it means claiming the first win in WWE for 2022.

Day one results